Title: Truths
Rating: PG-13 (violence;language)
Summary: This is the sequel to Lies. Harm watches Little AJ and something not so good comes up. Meanwhile, Mac and Harm both think about what happened in Lies.
Author's Notes: I have Bud's mother in this. I completely forgot that she never existed, but I couldn't figure out who else to put in her place. So, I left her there. But that's okay cause this is my story, right? ^_^

Personal Disclaimer: David, Josh, and Nick Williams, Josie Anderson, Bobby Jackson, Todd, and Julia, are my creations!

Admiral Chegwidden sat down at his chair. Commander Rabb was returning from sick leave today and he was uncertain as to what to give him to do. He knew Harm had been through a lot over the past few weeks.

Not only him, but his partner, Colonel MacKenzie. Mac’s fiancee, Mic Brumby, tried to pit the two JAG lawyers against one another. Somehow, he had succeeded.

At the hospital, after Mic and his friend attacked Harm, the Admiral learned that he was in love with Mac. The ex-Navy SEAL also realized that Mac was in love with the Commander.

Harm had been deeply hurt by his best friends’ actions and harsh words. Ever since Harm’s recovery, Chegwidden had attempted to get him to open up about it, but the Commander was never ready. There was a knock at the door, preventing the Admiral from further thought. “Enter.”


Mac entered Headquarters with a frown on her face. She knew Harm would be arriving back today, but she didn’t know how she could face him. The Marine Colonel hadn’t seen him since the night she found him unconscious on Baxter Street. She shook her head to clear the vision away.

Mac brought her cover and briefcase to her office and headed to the break room where she found the Roberts and Gunny Galindez. “Colonel,” they greeted.

“Good Morning.”

“Colonel MacKenzie,” Gunny said. “The Admiral would like to see you at 0900, Ma'am.”

“Thank you, Gunny,” she replied, sipping her coffee.


“Good Morning, Petty Officer,” Mac greeted Tyner.

“Ma'am,” he said with a nod. “The Admiral is still with Commander Rabb so you’ll have to wait a few minutes.”

Mac nodded and faced the door. *Harm is right through that door. What is he going to say when he steps out here?* She didn’t have to wait long for the answer because the door opened.

As soon as they locked eyes, Tyner could feel the tension. It was so thick, you could cut it with a knife. “Colonel.” Harm nodded.

“Commander.” Mac could see the pain in his eyes still. *How can I relieve your pain, Harm?*

“Tyner! Is Colonel MacKenzie here yet?”

“Yes, sir, she’s right here.”

“Send her in.”

“Aye, Sir,” Tyner said, looking at Mac. “Ma'am.”

“Thank you, Petty Officer.” Mac went to the door. Before she opened it, she turned around. Harm was gone.


“Colonel MacKenzie reporting as ordered, Sir!”

“At ease, Colonel.” Mac did so and waited for the Admiral to continue. “Colonel, for now, I’m assigning you to a different partner.”

“Sir?” Mac asked.

“You’ll be working with Lieutenant Roberts until further notice. Understood?”

“Yes, Sir!”

“Good. Dismissed!”

“Aye Aye, Sir!” Mac turned smartly on her heel and left the office.


Harriet bit her bottom lip as she knocked on Harm’s door. She knew that the last few weeks had been really hard for him. In a way, she hoped the favor she was about to ask of him would help him. “Enter.”

Harriet went in and stood silently in front of the desk. “Lieutenant, do you have something to tell me, or are you just going to stand there?” Harm asked with a smile.

“Yes, Sir. Actually, I’d like to ask a favor of you, Commander.” Harm nodded. “As you know, Sir, Bud’s grandmother is in the hospital. We wanted to visit her, but...”

“But you can’t take little AJ. You’d like me to watch him,” Harm finished.

“Would you, Sir?” Harriet asked, nodding slowly.

“Of course, Harriet. And, if you’re going to entrust your son to me, you’d better call me Harm. Is that understood?”

“Yes, Sir... Harm. Thank you so much!”

Before Harriet could leave, Harm stopped her. “Lieutenant, it’s Friday. Why don’t the two of you make a weekend out of it? I’m sure Bud would like to visit his family for a few days.”

“I don’t know, Sir,” Harriet said uncertain. “I don’t want AJ to be a burden on you.”

“Nonsense,” Harm replied with a wave of his hand. “My godson will never be a burden.”

“Bud would really like to spend some time with his mother. He hasn’t seen her in a few months...” Harriet thought a moment. “Okay! I’ll let him know. He’ll be ecstatic. Thank you so much, Commander.” Harm nodded as the Lieutenant went to tell her husband the good news.

*Maybe this will help me keep my mind off a few things... Like Mac.*



Lieutenant Roberts turned to his wife.  “Yeah, Harriet?”

“Commander Rabb said he’d be able to watch little AJ for us.”

Bud smiled.  “I’ll have to thank him.”

“Bud, he also suggested that we stay for the weekend.”

“We’re going to leave AJ with the Commander for an entire weekend?” he asked in shock.

Harriet smacked her husband on the arm.  “Bud, calm down!  He’ll be fine.  Besides, it was his idea.”

“Well, maybe AJ will help him get his mind off things...” was Bud’s answer.


Harm looked at his rearview mirror and smiled at his godson.  “So, AJ, how does McDonald’s sound to you?”  AJ smiled and nodded excitedly.  Harm laughed.  “I’ll take that as a yes,” he said, turning on the signal.

Ten minutes later, they were seated in a booth.  Harm sighed as his thoughts went to Mac.  *Damn, I thought AJ would help me keep my mind off her!*

He loved Mac so much.  The day on the ferry, when she had called him on it, he was taken aback.  Harm already had his mind on the murder case and he wasn’t expecting Mac to bring it up. 

He ignored the comment because he wasn’t ready to reply to the questions she had.  Mac seemed to have given it some thought.  Of course, he could have told her to ask him again later, but he didn’t. 

And the next day, she was “promised” to Mic Brumby. 

As soon as he saw the ring, he knew he couldn’t make a move.  As an officer and a gentleman.  All he wanted was for Mac to be happy and if that’s what made her happy, then he was happy. 

Harm was ready to rip Brumby’s heart out and throw it into the Atlantic when he found out Brumby had betrayed Mac’s love and trust. 

What had hurt this naval officer the most was the fact that Mac, his partner for three years, and best friend, truly believed that he had beat Brumby. But the Australian wasn’t beat up, it was all a plot to get Harm away from Mac.  And it almost worked, too. 

Luckily, Mac had followed Mic and his friend, Darien, where she witnessed the two of them attacking Harm.  The Admiral, proceeded to have Mic deported.

A french fry hit Harm in the head, breaking him out of his reverie.  “AJ Roberts,” Harm said sternly.  “Stop throwing those fries or no playland.” 

AJ stopped in mid throw.  Instead of tossing the fry, he popped it into his mouth.  Harm smiled and took the last bite of his garden salad.  Little did he know that the two were being watched.


Josie Anderson sighed.  She had been so upset when her son, Michael had been taken from her and her boyfriend, Bobby.  It was a little over a year ago. 

The police suspected child abuse.  She was shocked.  She had never in her life beat up a child, let alone smack one.  How could anyone think of such a thing?  Josie knew that she had to find another child to take the place of Michael. 

“Bobby, what do you think of that little boy?  Isn’t he adorable?”

Bobby looked at the child his girlfriend was pointing at.  He was perfect.  “Yeah, Josie, we could definitely pass him off as ours.  Of course, “daddy” will have to be taken care of.”

“I think we should keep “daddy” alive and if he doesn’t want to cooperate, we can threaten the kid.  What do you think?”

“I guess that would work,” Bobby replied.  “Lets wait outside for them.”


Harm looked at his watch.  It was 1930.  He attempted to find his godson in the sea of children.  He finally did.  “AJ, lets go,” he told the boy.  AJ immediately came out of the playland.

*What do you know, he actually listened.* Harm thought.  He noticed that a few of the men standing next him weren’t have such an easy time.

“How did you do that?” One man asked him as AJ brought his shoes to Harm.

Harm shrugged.  “I have no idea.  Maybe kids tend to listen when they’re not being told by their parents.”

“You’re probably right.  I don’t suppose you could call my sons...?”

“Sure, what are their names?”

“Josh and Nick,” the man said pointing to two boys wearing Pokemon T-shirts.

Harm nodded.  “Josh, Nick, come out now, that’s an order!”

The man watched in shock as Josh and Nick climbed out of the playland.  “Are you in the military or something?”

“Navy,” Harm replied extending his hand.  “Commander Harmon Rabb.”

“David Williams,” he said as Josh pulled on his shirt.

“Dad, we were having fun in there!”  Josh whined.

“I know, but your mother will have my head if we don’t head home now.”  The boys nodded and got their shoes.

“Well,” Harm said, taking AJ’s hand.  “It was nice to have met you, but we’ve got to go.”

“Nice to have met you too, Commander.” 


“Piggy back ride!” little AJ squealed.  Harm laughed and lifted him up on his shoulders. The two just got outside when Harm had a really bad feeling in the pit of his stomach. 

“Unca Ham?” AJ asked confused. 

Before Harm could reply, he felt AJ being pulled away from him.  “Hey!” he growled, turning around.  Just as he did, he felt a blinding flash of pain and everything went dark.


Harriet jumped up from her chair in the waiting room.  “Harriet?” Bud asked.  “Are you all right?”

“Bud, I had the most horrible feeling!” Harriet exclaimed. 

“Harriet,” Bud whispered, taking her hands in his.  She was shaking uncontrollably.  “What’s wrong, sweetheart?”

“Little AJ...”  Harriet was near tears now.  “I have to call Commander Rabb, Bud.  Give me your cell phone.”

Bud guided his wife back onto the chair.  “Calm down, Harriet.  I’ll call him.  Just relax, okay?”  Harriet nodded as Bud’s mother came into the room.

“Bud, Harriet, what’s going on?  Are you both all right?”

“Mom, could you stay with Harriet?  I need to make a phone call.”

“Yes, of course, dear,” Mrs. Roberts replied, sitting next to her daughter-in-law.

Bud walked out of earshot from the two women and dialed Harm’s home number.  No answer.  He then dialed his cell phone.  Again, no answer.  *The Commander always has his cell phone on when he’s not home...*

Bud decided to call Colonel MacKenzie.  She knew the two hadn’t spoken since the Brumby incident, but maybe she could find out what was going on.


This was going to be a long night.  Mac had one thing on her mind, or person, rather.  Commander Harmon Rabb, Jr.  Ever since the day she learned that her fiancee had conspired with a friend to pit them against each other, she had thought about the Commander.  She had been devastated to learn that the man she thought loved her betrayed her.

“It’s your fault this happened!” Mac said angrily.  “How could you have been so stupid, Marine?” 

She remembered back to the ferry in Australia.  She had, in a way, told Harm her feelings for him.  However, he ignored what she said and talked about something else.  Mac couldn’t even recall now because she blocked it out. 

“Another stupid thing, Marine!  He had a lot on his mind!  Like a murder case.”

Sighing, Mac tuned on the television.  “Julia, what else can you tell us?”

“Well, Todd, the police are still searching for any signs of the man and his son.  They found a witness, but we haven’t been told anything yet.”

“Thank you, Julia,” Todd replied.  “Stay tuned to channel 5, we’ll have up to date information regarding the crisis.  We’ll take a short break while the stations identify themselves.”

Mac’s eyes were wide.  “How horrible!” she said. 

She was about to change the channel, when the newscaster came back on.  “Our contact at McDonald’s has new information.  Julia, what can you tell us now?”

“The witness, David Williams, said he had spoken to the man about ten minutes before he left.  Apparently, he was just watching the boy for a friend.  Mr. Williams’ son was looking out the window when he saw someone grab the child from the man.  He yelled for his father just as the man was knocked unconscious.”

“Julia, do the police know who the man was?”

“Yes, Todd,” Julia said, looking at her notes.  “His name is Harmon Rabb, Jr.  A Commander in the United States Navy.”

Mac gasped.  “HARM!”  Running to the phone, she realized who that little boy must have been.  “AJ!”  She jumped when the phone rang.  “Hello?”


“Bud?” Mac asked. *Oh God, I have to be the one to tell him!* “What are you calling for? Is your grandmother all right?”

“She’s fine, Colonel, but Harriet had a bad feeling earlier.  We can’t get a hold of Commander Rabb at home or on his cell phone and were wondering if you had heard from him.”

“Bud ... you might want to sit down,” Mac told him, taking her own advice.

“Ma’am?  What are you talking about?  Are you telling me I should warrant Harriet’s feelings?  What happened?”

“Bud, Harm is missing...” she took a breath, “and so is little AJ.”


Harm noticed that he was sitting on a chair, hands tied behind his back.  Looking around, he couldn’t see any sign of little AJ.  *What kind of godfather am I?*

Harm turned his head when the door opened.  A man entered.  He had sandy blond hair and he was a little over six feet tall.  “Who are you?” Harm demanded.

“Oh, I’m Bobby, Mr. Rabb,” the man replied nonchalantly.  “Please forgive me for knocking you out, but we couldn’t have you running off with your son.”

“Excuse me?”  Harm didn’t want to tell them that AJ was his son.  He didn’t want Bobby to kill him because all hope would be lost for the Roberts child.  “You mind telling me what this is about?  I mean, since you have me tied up and all.”

Bobby sighed.  “Fine.  My girlfriend, Josie, and I want a child desperately and yours would be perfect.”

“What’s wrong with the two of you?  Your parents forget to teach you about the birds and the bees?” 

“That was uncalled for, Rabb!” Bobby growled, punching Harm in the stomach.  Harm attempted to catch his breath.  “What’s the matter, cat got your tongue?  Remember this!  You so much as try to escape, I will kill your son.  Understood?”

Harm nodded slowly as Bobby laughed and headed out the door.  What could have happened to make this couple kidnap someone else’s child?


Bud and Harriet ran through JAG Headquarters and straight to Admiral Chegwidden’s office as fast as lightning.  Mac saw them and followed the distraught couple.  “Admiral, Sir, have you heard anything?”

“No, I’m sorry, Lieutenants, I have not,” he replied, standing up.  “Have a seat, Harriet.” 

She sat down and the Admiral hadd Tyner bring in coffee as Mac entered.  She looked like she hadn’t slept in 48 hours.  “Harriet, Bud, how are you two holding up?”

“As good as can be expected, Colonel,” came Bud’s quiet reply.

Mac nodded and looked at the Admiral, who followed her outside his office.  “What is it, Colonel?”

“Sir, they found Commander Rabb’s car in a ditch not too far from the McDonald’s they were at.  There’s no sign of either H-harm or little AJ...”  Mac covered her mouth and began to cry.  “I’m sorry, Admiral.  What kind of Marine am I?  I seem to be able to cry at the drop of a hat these days.”

AJ put his hand on Mac’s shoulder.  “Mac, you’ve been through a lot these past few weeks.  If you haven’t cried at all, I would have been worried.  It’s human to cry."


Little AJ sat in the crib looking around the bedroom he was in.  He was so confused.  He knew that the person who took him from his uncle wasn’t nice.  The boy then began to cry. He wanted his uncle or his mommy or daddy. 

“Daddy!” he cried.

“Josie, go see what that kid wants and shut him up!” Bobby shouted.

“You know what he wants as well as I know, Bobby.  He wants his father.  You know, the man you have tied up in the basement,” Josie replied heading to the bedroom.  She leaned over the side and picked the boy up.  “What’s the matter, Joey?” she asked.



AJ pointed at himself.  “AJ.” 

*Wow this kid is smart,* Josie thought.  “No, honey, your name is Joey.”  Josie suddenly had an attack of conscience.  *His mother is going to be so upset.  Why did I let Bobby talk to me into this?  Oh God, what a horrible mistake I made!*

Josie put AJ back into the crib and went to find her boyfriend.  “Bobby, where are you?”

“What is it now, Jos?”

“I think we should let them go,” she spoke quietly.

“WHAT?  Let them go?  You agreed to this and now you want to let them go?  It’s too late, Josie.  I’m sorry.  The only way I’m going to let them go is to kill them.”

Josie gasped.  “Kill them?  You’d kill an innocent little boy?” she asked stunned.  “Let him live and just get rid of the father.  Please Bobby, don’t kill AJ!”

“AJ?  I don’t care who he is, if you don’t want to do this anymore, I’m going to kill them both.  We can’t have anyone identifying us.”

“Bobby!” Josie exclaimed.  “He’s just a child, he won’t be able to identify us!”

Bobby smacked Josie across the face.  “Yes, he will!  Kids are smart that way.  If you don’t shut up, I’m going to kill you too!”

That made Josie realize something.  Bobby was the one who beat up her son.  “Y-you...”

“Look who finally woke up!  Yeah, I beat your kid!  I hate kids, Josie!  And I hate you, bitch!”

Josie felt the bullets hit her chest before she heard them.  “Bobby!” she cried, taking in her last breath.


Harm’s head shot up at the sound of a gun firing.  He knew that Bobby and Josie were fighting but the words were muffled.  What made the Navy Commander break his bonds was the sound of Little AJ screaming. 

Harm ignored the broken rib threatening to pierce his lung and ran upstairs.  Fortunately, the door was unlocked. 

Harm made it to the room just as Bobby smacked AJ across the face.  “Get away from him!” Harm growled, knocking the man down with one punch. 

The gun skittered across the floor and Harm was caught off guard as Bobby swept his feet from under him.  Harm went down with a thud.  His vision blacked for a second.  “Bobby, leave AJ out of this, he’s just a baby!”

“Mr. Rabb, I don’t like children so I don’t care if he has anything to do with this or not,” Bobby replied.  He attempted to grab the gun, but Harm blocked him.  “Get out of my way!”

“No, as long as you are threatening AJ I won’t get out of your way!” 

“Unca Ham!” AJ said, holding his arms out.

Bobby looked at the boy, confused.  Uncle?  He was so distracted that he didn’t notice Harm’s second punch coming at him.  This punch knocked the man out cold. 

“Finally,” Harm muttered as he picked up little AJ.  “You okay, buddy?”  AJ nodded slowly as tears spilled out.  He hugged his godfather tightly.


“Sir!” Tyner called.  “They found the Commander and Little AJ!”

Everyone let out a sigh of relief.  “Where at, Tyner?” Chegwidden asked.

“Some house in Crystal City, Sir.  They’ve been taken to the local hospital.”

“Hospital?” Harriet said nervously.

“Little AJ is fine, Ma'am.  The Commander has yet another bump on the head and some broken ribs, I believe.”

“Well, what are we waiting for people?” the Admiral said.  “Lets get going!”


Harm sat impatiently in his hospital room.  He was told that it wouldn’t be long before he could see his godson again.  It had already been three hours. 

Finally, the door opened and a nurse walked in carrying Little AJ.  “I’m sorry for the wait, Commander,” she said with a smile.  He was the most gorgeous man in the hospital so she decided to 'turn on the charms'.

“That’s all right, Nurse.”

“Unca Ham!” AJ called excitedly as she placed him next to Harm.

“Just call me Stacey,” she replied with a laugh.  “Ham?”

“Don’t you start calling me that too,” Harm said with horror on his face.

“I wouldn't dream of it, Commander.”  With that, Stacey left. 

“Well, buddy, how do you think that went?”

“Where’s daddy?”

“He should be here soon, AJ.  I promise.” 

As if on cue, the door opened.  “AJ!” Bud and Harriet exclaimed at the same time.  The two rushed to their son. 

Bud accidentally elbow Harm in the chest.  Harm let out a gasp of pain.  “Don’t kill the man, Lieutenant!” the Admiral barked.

“Sir!  I’m sorry, Sir!” Bud stammered.

“It’s all right, Bud.  I understand.”

“Thank you so much for taking care of our son, Commander,” Harriet said between sobs.

“Harriet, I’m sorry.  I should have been more careful...”

“Nonsense, Harm,” Admiral Chegwidden said.  “You couldn’t have know this was going to happen.”

Bud sighed. “The Admiral is right, Sir.  We’re glad that we left Harriet with you and not with someone we didn’t know.  Who knows what could have happened.”

“Thanks, Bud, Sir.  And believe me, it was my pleasure watching AJ despite everything.”  Harm looked around and notice that not everyone was present and accounted for.  “Uh, Sir...”

“She’s right outside, Commander.”  Chegwidden turned to his two officers and their son.  “Lieutenants, lets give them some time alone.”

“Admiral!”  Harm waited until Bud and Harriet left.  “Sir, do think I’ve been stupid about the whole thing with the Colonel?”

“You want my honest opinion, Harm?”

“I’d expect nothing less, Sir,” was Harm’s reply.

“I think you both have been acting like dumbasses.”

Harm chuckled, “Thank you, Sir.”

The Admiral left and Mac entered a few minutes later.  “Hello fellow dumbass,” Mac greeted.

“Ah, so he told you, huh?”  Mac nodded and sat next to Harm.  “So...”

“First of all, how are you feeling?”

“Like my lung is about to burst.  Other than that, fine.  You?”

“I miss you,” Mac replied quietly.  Harm took her hand.  “I miss you so much.”

“I miss you too, Mac.  I am so sorry for treating you the way I did.  I was confused.”

“Harm, you have nothing to apologize for.  If anyone, I should.  I let you down.  I let myself believe that Mic was someone who would never lie to me and I betrayed my best friend ... the man I love.”

Harm was happy to hear those words coming from her.  “Mac, there is nothing wrong with the fact that you believed Mic.  You were in love with him and, in some way, he loved you.  He was a very lucky man to have won you even if it was for a short time.”

“Harm, he didn’t win anything.  He was second best.  The one I love first and foremost is you.”

“And I love you, Sarah MacKenzie.”

Mac smiled.  “Do you realize that this is the first time we’ve said those words to each other?”

Harm took her hand and their lips inched closer and closer until they met.  A few minutes later, they looked into each other’s eyes.  “It won’t be the last, Sarah.”
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