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Harm eyed Webb. "Singer said she didn't see me at the office?"

"That's what she said," Webb replied. "What time did you get there?"

"Around noon. I talked to her for about five minutes and read through my files for about an hour. When was Annie killed?"


"Now we just have to prove it," Harm scoffed. "If Singer would just admit that I was there, I could sit at home with my girls."

Webb smiled sadly. "I know, Harm. I am trying my hardest."

"Thanks... Webb, do you think you could get Singer in here? Don't tell her it's me you want her to see. Maybe I can get her to tell me what she's doing."

"If you think you can," Webb said with a shrug.

Fifteen minutes later, Webb led Lieutenant Singer to Harm's cell. She stared at him, eyes wide. "Sir, what are you doing here?"

"Having tea, what's it look like?" he growled. Webb gave him a look. "Sorry, but I'm not exactly in the best of moods."

"Understandable, Sir," Singer replied.

"Lieutenant, you have absolutely no idea why Commander Rabb is in jail, do you?" Webb asked.

She shook her head. "No, Mr. Webb. Should I?" Then it dawned on her. "Oh my God! I did... I mean! Sir, I am so sorry! I had no idea that's why I was asked to lie about you being there!"

"Who asked you, Singer?"

"I don't know who it was, Commander. He had a deep voice, but that's all I can tell you. He... he told me I could move up in the Navy if I lied about seeing you. I didn't even think that it would put you in jail."

"Lieutenant, do you realize that because of your selfishness, Commander Rbab is in jail for murder?"

Her face visibly blanched. "Murder?"

"The man who called you," Harm explained, "Palmer, has been out to get me for about eight years. And, it looks like he took you for a ride too."


Mac closed the door to Serena and Evelyn's room. She had finally gotten the girls to sleep. She held in her tears of frustration, anger, and pain inside as long as she could, but as she thought of her husband, she let them out.

Mac knew she couldn't handle this on her own. She needed help and she knew exactly who to call.  "Hello?"


"Oh, Sarah!" Trish exclaimed. "How are you, dear?" Mac didn't answer, she had began crying again.

"Sarah, sweetheart, what's wrong?"

Mac took a breath. "You mean, you haven't heard? I guess Webb is keeping this quiet."

"Heard what, dear? You're scaring me. Is Harm all right?"

"Harm's been arrested for murder."