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"Mac, will you be all right if I leave you for about an hour or so? I need to run to the office."

Mac nodded. "With Harriet and her kids here, everyone will be entertained," she told him. She gave him a kiss. "Drive safely."

"I will. See you soon!"

As Harm pulled out of the driveway, Mac turned to see Harriet giving her a look. "What?"

"I love the way you too look at each other. It's so beautiful."

Mac laughed. "Stop it! You and Bud are just as bad!"

"No, Emily! That's mine!" Serena cried.

"Uh oh, time to play referee."


Harm saw that it was unusually quiet for a Saturday afternoon. True, most people were off, but there was absolutely no one in JAG ops. It took him 10 minutes to find the file he was looking for.

He was so engrossed in the file that he didn't hear someone behind him. "Commander."

"Damn it, Singer!" Harm cursed.

"Sorry, Sir," she replied. "What brings you here on a lovely day like this? Shouldn't you be taking care of those children."

Harm shook his head. "What is your problem, Lieutenant?"


"You seem to have something against me," Harm said. "Is it because I won't sleep with you?"

Singer laughed. "Of course not, Sir." She turned to leave. "It's not my fault you're missing something great."

Before Harm could reply, she was out the door and gone. "How does she do that?" he muttered.





"Yeah, is Harm around?"

Mac got butterflies in her stomach. Webb hardly ever called and when he did, it was usually about one of them going undercover. "He had to run to the office, why?"

"You're sure that's what he did?"

"Yeah." She was worried now. " Webb, what's this about?"

Webb sighed. "Annie Forrester is dead."

"What?" Mac asked. She let it sink in, and when it did, she burst. "Webb don't even tell me you suspect Harm did it!" she yelled.

"I don't think he did. I think Palmer did. Here's the problem, though. The finger prints on the gun belong to Harm."

The phone drop to the floor. "No... No..."

"Sarah?" Harriet called, racing down the stairs. Mac wasn't answering and Harriet heard someone on the phone so she picked it up. "This is Lieutenant Sims."

"Harriet, it's Webb."

"Mr. Webb, what happened? Is Harm okay?"

"He's fine in a matter of speaking. Harm is the main suspect for the murder of Annie Forrester."

Harriet wanted to rip the phone off the wall, but she needed to be strong for her friends and the children. "Thank you for letting us know, Mr. Webb. I really need to take care of Sarah right now."

"You're right. If I hear anything I'll let you guys know."

"Harriet..." Mac whispered. Harriet turned to her after she hung up the phone. "He didn't kill her! Palmer did it!"

"I know, Sarah, I know."