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A week later, the family was back home. The parents did all they could to take care of their children, however, one was feeling left out.

Serena watched as her Mommy fussed over the twins and her Daddy fussed over Evelyn. She understood that they needed help, but she needed help too! After all, she was only 3 years old. There was so much she could do... and that wasn't a lot.

"Daddy," she said, tugging on his shirt. "I wanna watch a movie with you."

Harm sighed. "Not right now, Rena. Besides, it wouldn't be very fair to Evie, would it?"

Serena pouted. "Daddy you never do anything with me anymore!" she cried, running up to her room.

"Rena..." He didn't know what to say.


"What do you need, Evie?"

Evelyn shook her head. "Daddy, I don't need anything right now. I'm comfortable. I just wanna take a nap. Why don't you watch the movie with Rena?"

"Because you might need me."

"I'm fine!" Evelyn screamed.

"Evelyn Rose Rabb, do not scream at me!"

"I'm sorry, Daddy, but I really am okay. Rena needs you too," Evelyn said. "I'm going to be asleep, not walking down the stairs."

Harm stared at her. She was right. God, he felt like such an idiot! He gave her a hug. "I love you, Evie!"

"I love you too, Daddy!"


Harm walked passed the babies' room. Mac was rocking one of the girls. She looked up as went by. "Harm!"

"Yeah, Mac?"

"What was all the yelling about?" she asked.

"Evelyn, reminding me what's important."

Mac smiled. "You're getting slow in your old age, aren't you?"

Harm crossed his arms. "Have you done anything with Rena since we got home?"

"Um... I guess not. You know, our daughter is smarter than us combined!"

"Yeah, I'd love to see how she'd be in the courtroom."


Harm watched Serena play with her Barbies. She had the Ken doll sitting with one of them and another Barbie with two little babies. He had a pretty good idea what she was re-enacting.

"I'm sorry, Rena, I can't talk to you right now," she was saying for Ken. "Evie needs me."

"And so do you." Serena looked up to see her Daddy. She ran over to him and he picked her up. "I'm sorry, Rena, I wasn't thinking. You're not mad at me, are you?"

She shook her head. "I wasn't mad, Daddy. Just sad."

"I didn't even realize what I was doing," Harm replied. "What do you say I get you a bowl of ice cream and we watch the movie of your choice?"

Serena smiled. "Sounds like a plan!"


"Annie, you know this deal will benefit you," Webb told her. "Palmer needs to be stopped."

"Do you think I give a rat's ass? Harm and Mac put my brother-in-law in jail! My sister and her three kids have been without a husband and father all this time!"

Webb eyed her. "You're so concerned that your sister didn't have her husband, the kids didn't have their father, but don't you realize that you've almost done the same thing to Mac? What if she were your sister?"

Annie sat back in her chair. She hated to admit that this "Spook" was right. Besides, she was in jail, Palmer couldn't hurt her. And, if she wanted to get out of there sooner, she'd have to start dealing. "Fine, you win, Webb."

"Great! The next time Palmer contacts you, tell the guard. I'll be here within five minutes and you can tell me what's going on."


Annie had a horrible feeling in the pit of her stomach as she waited for Webb to arrive. Palmer just contacted her and she had given him "instructions". However, the man knew exactly what Annie was planning.

Annie watched as the guard mopped the jail floors. She saw something oddly familiar about him, but couldn't place it. Her eyes widened as she saw what was in his hand. It was no longer a mop, but a gun, complete with a silencer.

She glanced into the other cells. No one noticed it. "Palmer..." she whispered.

"So good of you to recognize me, Annie. I know what you were planning. You were going to sell me out. Too bad they won't catch me. You will not believe the hard work it took me to copy someone's finger prints, but I did." He sighed. "Oh well, enough of this chit-chat. Thanks for the fun!"

Annie felt the bullet hit her in the chest, and then... nothing.

Palmer grinned evilly. tossing the gun into her cell. "Harm, it's time you had all the fun!"