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Harm sat quietly next to Evelyn's bed, Serena asleep on his lap. It had been three hours since she was brought in... since Mac collapsed.

Evelyn's doctor told him that she had a mild concussion and a sprained knee. He thanked God that she was going to be all right.

But now... he was getting impatient on word about his wife. "Harm."

He looked up to see Mac's OB doctor, Beth Michels, at the door. "How is she?"

"She's doing pretty well considering," she replied. "I want to keep her here for further observation." Harm nodded. "Do you have anyone coming in? I really think she needs to see you. If you don't, I can sit with Evie and Rena."

Harm sighed. "I was so worried about them that I didn't even think to call anyone!" He let her take Serena. "Thanks, Beth."

"No problem! Now get to a phone, call some people, then visit your wife."


Harm took care of the first two items on his "list" and went to follow out the third. He stood next to the bed, eyeing the fetal heart monitors. Two... one for each of their children.

"Harm?" Mac whispered. Her eyes were bloodshot from crying, but she never looked so beautiful. "Is Evie okay?"

He nodded. "She has a mild concussion and a sprained knee, but she's going to be just fine."

"Where's Rena?"

"In Evie's room with Beth," Harm told her. "I just called everyone not too long ago. I was so worried that I completely forgot."

She nodded. "The point is, they know. Did Beth say how these two were?" she asked, patting her stomach.

"You are all going to be fine. I know that what happened to Evie is hard on you but you can't let it upset you."

"I know... she's going to be up and about in no time! How about we talk about something we haven't discussed in about four months."

Harm smiled. "What are we going to name these two? Good question... any names stand out?"

"Christiana and Matthew."

He eyed her curiously. "Do you know something I don't?"

"The fact that Beth told me," Mac replied.

"You cheated!"

Before he could say anything more, a nurse entered. "Mr. Rabb, Doctor Magers just called. Your daughter's awake."

Harm nodded. "I'll be right up." He leaned over to kiss Mac. "I love you... I'll let you know how she is."

"I love you too! Give Evie a big kiss for me."

"I will."


Harm stared at Doctor Magers. "Evie is blind?"

"I'm afraid so," the doctor replied. "There is slight swelling in her brain and it's pushing on her optic nerve."

"Is it permanent?" he asked.

"We won't know until the swelling goes down. You should go in there. She's with Doctor Michels and her sister, but she's very scared."

Harm shook Doctor Magers' hand. "Thank you." He nodded and left Harm alone. Harm took a deep breath and opened the door. He could tell that Evelyn was awake, but she had a vacant look in her eyes.


"Daddy!" she cried. "Daddy, where are you? I can't see you!"

"I'm right here, Evie," Harm replied, tears threatening to fall. He looked over at Serena, who was, thankfully still asleep on Beth's lap. He looked at her and she nodded, bringing Serena to her mother. When she was gone, Harm took Evelyn's hand in hers. "Everything's going to be all right, Evie."

"Daddy," Evelyn said, her voice full of sadness.

"What is it, angel?"

"I'm not going to be able to see the babies, am I?"

Harm hugged her close. "The doctor says you have a good chance of seeing again, Evie," he told her.

"Yeah, but sometimes we don't always get what we want."


"Damn it, Webb, there has got to be something we can do!" Admiral Chegwidden exclaimed.

Clayton Webb sighed. "You know I'm doing the best I can."

"Well, that obviously isn't good enough. He could have killed those kids! Every time they turn around, something happens! Just when they get their lives back in order, he shows up again!"

"We've got a lead on Palmer. We're going to see if Annie Forrester wants to deal. She tells us where Palmer is and we'll be lenient... as lenient as you can get for attempted murder, assault, and kidnapping," Webb explained.

Chegwidden shook his head. "I only hope you can, Webb because Harm is going to snap soon."