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Title: You've Gotta Love Children
Rating: G
Spoilers: None
Summary: Harm takes his daughters to the toy store so Mac can rest.

"Harm, if you go, they'll kill you!" Mac warned.

Her husband shrugged. "It's better than you, Mac. You need to rest, you
can't keep chasing after the girls all day. The doctor said to take it easy
and that's certainly not going to happen if you take the girls to a toy

"But I promised them I would."

"I know, honey," Harm said, giving her a hug. "We can still keep the promise. You just won't be going."

Mac gave in. She was a bit tired anyway. "All right, Sailor. You win.
Just don't give in and buy them everything they want."

"How hard can it be?"


Harm held Serena in one arm while Evelyn pulled his other one. "Come on,

"I'm coming, Evie."

"Daddy, I want a Barbie," Serena told him.

"Okay, Rena. Evie, how about you take us to the Barbie aisle," Harm

Evelyn shook her head. "No! I want to go to the doll aisle!" She let go of
Harm's hand and went in that direction.

"Evie!" Harm exclaimed. "Damn it!"

Serena smacked his face. "Rena!"

"You said a bad word, Daddy!" She began squirming in his arms. "Let me go!"

Harm had to put her on the floor because he was about to drop her. "Bad idea, Harm!" he muttered to himself as Serena ran off.

Just then, his phone rang. He answered it, trying not to lose sight of
Serena. "Yeah?" he answered gruffly.



"Where are the girls?"

"Looking at toys," he replied. "Why do you ask?"

"What's wrong, Harm? You seem to be out of breath." Mac chuckled. "Our
little ones giving you a hard time?"

"No," Harm lied. "Not at all."

"Ah... well, let me talk to them."

Harm cleared his throat. "You can't at the moment."

"Why not?" Harm didn't reply. "Harmon Rabb, Jr, you've lost our children!"

"I didn't lose them Mac, they ran off."

Mac giggled. "Why don't you round them up, buy them one toy each, and come home."

"Easier said than done," Harm replied. "I'll see you as soon as possible."

"I love you, Sailor!"

"I love you, Marine!"


Evelyn found her toy and looked down every aisle for signs of her Daddy. She saw Serena in the Barbie aisle. "Rena, where's Daddy?"

She shrugged, trying to decide on a Barbie. "Daddy said a bad word."

"He did?" Evelyn asked in shock.

"And if you two hadn't run off like that, I wouldn't have." Evelyn looked up
at her Daddy. His arms were crossed and he looked mad.

Suddenly the floor seemed more interesting at the moment. Serena padded up to him. "Daddy," she said. "Come here." Harm knelt in front of her. "I'm
sorry... buy this!"

Harm had to laugh. It was just too cute. "Okay, Rena. Evie, you have
something you'd like?"

"You're not mad at us?"

"No, honey. I was a little scared though because I couldn't find you. You
can't go running off like that, do you understand?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry."

"Come on, Mommy's waiting for us. We have to pick up some Beltway Burgers for her."

"Ick, really?"

Harm nodded. "I'm afraid so."


Harm collapsed on the couch after he had put the girls to bed. "Mac remind
me again why we had children."

"Good question," Mac said with a laugh. She sat next to him. "Is my Sailor

"I'm exhausted!" He pulled Mac close to him, placing a hand on her stomach. The baby inside her kicked. "Nevermind, Sarah. I know why we wanted children."

Mac smiled. "So do I, Harm."