Harm looked around the complex. There was no one around. He was heading towards the back when someone hollered. "Who are you?"

"Come with me," the man responded, heading into the building.

Harm followed, uncertain where this man was leading him. The two finally arrived at some sort of glass window. His heart nearly jumped into his throat when he saw who was on the other side. "Mac..."

"Ah, Commander. It seems you've met my guests."

"Ms. Forrester," Harm said, turning to face her.

Annie feigned shock. "Oh, I'm so touched! You remembered me!"

"After the scene you pulled at JAG, I'm surprised no one else has!" Annie looked over Harm's shoulder at David, who grabbed his bad wrist. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"David, bring the Commander in to see them, but no longer than 10 minutes," Annie told him. "We have much to discuss."

David shoved Harm into the room. "You heard her, no more than 10 minutes."

"Mac...?" Harm said, almost in a whisper. As he moved closer, he realized that it was really her. She was leaning against the wall, head down, sleeping. The girl;s heads were on her lap, they were also asleep. They looked so peaceful, he was almost afraid to wake them up. However, not waking them meant that he might never have a chance to talk to them again. He knelt next to his wife and children. "Mac," he said again, gently shaking her awake.

She slowly looked up at him, wanting so much to believe he was really sitting there. "Harm? Is that really.... are you really there?" she asked, reaching to touch his face.

"Yeah, Sarah," he replied, taking her hand in his. He had to hold himself together. He was ready to kill Annie and David for kidnapping his family... for hurting his wife. "Are they okay... are you?"

"We've been better, but we're alive. Most importantly, you are!"

"God, I thought I'd lost you all. The car blew up and I didn't know you weren't in it!" He told her.

Evelyn woke up at that moment. She gave a shout of excitement (this had awoken Serena) when she saw her daddy sitting there. "Daddy!" she cried, hugging him tightly.

"Evie! I missed you so much!"

"I missed you too!" she said. "Daddy, I was a good girl, I didn't tell that stupid Annie anything!"

"Anything about what?" he asked, looking at Mac. That's when Serena jumped into his arms. "Hey, pumpkin." She didn't respond, only held tightly to her daddy.

Mac sighed. "Harm she wants to know what's going on with her brother-in-law's case. She thinks that since we prosecuted last time, we're prosecuting now. I tried to convince her we're not. She just keeps asking what our strategy is."

"I'm sorry, Mac."

"For what, Harm?"

"It was my idea to take that Corporal's case," he reminded her. "If we hadn't..."

Mac cut him off. "Someone else would be in this position! Harm, I can't say I love the idea of being kidnapped, especially with my children, then thinking you were dead... However, I'm glad it wasn't someone else."

"You're right, honey."

"Time's up, Commander!" David said. "Say your good byes for now."

Harm nodded and gave his girls a tight squeeze, kissing both of them on the forehead. "You two keep an eye on your Mommy, okay?"

"Okay, Daddy," they replied quietly.

"I love you both very much and I'm going to try and get us all out of here safely." He set them down and turned to his wife, kissing her on the lips. "Sarah, I love you."

"I love you too, Harm," Mac said, as David grabbed him by his arm.

"Be brave, Ninja Girl!"

A tear escaped Mac's eye as Harm was led out the door. Why did she get the sickening feeling that she was never going to see him again?
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