Harm's parents, the Admiral, Bud, and Harriet were waiting in the hospital emergency room when they brought Harm in. Frank waited as patiently as possible to get some information from the paramedics. Finally, one of them came over to them. "You family of Harm?" he asked, after he had introduced himself as Chris.

"Yes," Frank said, holding Trish's hand. "I'm Harm's stepfather. Is he going to be all right?"

"It's too early to say, Sir. He's lost a lot of blood from the gunshot wound."

Trish closed her eyes. "Where?"

"Left side of the chest," the young man replied. "Your daughter-in-law and the children should be coming soon. I promised her I'd wait."

"Thank you for taking care of them," Trish told him.

Just then, a wary looking Mac entered. She was escorted by two police officers. In her arms was Serena, sleeping and Evelyn walking next to her. Harriet immediately walked over to her friend to take Serena. "Here, Sarah."

"Thanks, Harriet," she replied. "We need to go to Radiology..."

Serena woke up. "Mommy?" she said sleepily. "Don't go."

"I'll be right back, Rena. You stay here with Aunt Harriet. Gramma and Grampa are here too." Mac kissed her daughter on the cheek.

"Okay, Mommy," she said, closing her eyes again.

"Colonel, I'll take you ladies up to Radiology now," Chris said. Mac nodded and followed him.


About a half-hour later, the Rabb children were safe with their godparents, grandparents, etc and Mac was sitting in hard plastic chair next to Harm's bed. The doctors said it was a miracle that he was even alive. Harm had lost much blood and it may be a while before he wakes up... If he does...

Mac closed her eyes as she thought of Doctor Madison's words, ' Your husband's body has been through a very traumatic few days. With the car accident, everything. He needs time to heal. Right now, it's up to him, with some help from his family and friends.'

"Oh, Harm, you can't leave us... The girls need you so much. I need you. And..." she smiled as she put a hand on her stomach. "Our new little one will need you!" She broke down in tears, laying her head on his arm. "I love you..." she whispered, drifting off to sleep.

Trish watched the scene from the hospital room door. Tears escaped silently down her cheeks. *Please God, don't take my son away from us... Away from Sarah and those children. They need him.*

"Mom?" Mac said, looking up at Trish.

"Yes, dear?" Trish replied, walking over to her daughter in law. Mac stood up and wrapped her arms around her.

"Oh, Mom, I'm so scared!"

"Me too, Sarah. Me too."


It had been a week and there was still no change in Harm's condition. Mac was in the waiting room with her children while Trish and Frank sat with him. "Mommy," Evelyn said. "When is Daddy going to wake up?"

"I don't know, Evie," Mac replied. Serena was sitting quietly on her lap. "We just have keep praying."

Evelyn began to cry. "Mommy, I don't want to lose Daddy!"

"Evie!" Mac cried, opening her arms. Evelyn crawled onto her Mom's lap too. She took Serena's hand in hers. "Daddy's strong. He knows he has the four of us waiting for him."

The girls nodded slowly. "Mommy..." Serena said quietly. "Why did those people hurted us?"

"Some people are so full of pain themselves that the only way to make it better is to hurt others. It's so very wrong. I want you girls to remember that."

"We will," Evelyn responded.

"Mac," Trish said, rushing into the room. "He's coming to. Go on in, I'll stay with the girls."

"Thanks Mom," Mac said. "Evelyn, as soon as the doctor says you can visit, I'll come get you. Stay with Gramma."

"Okay." The two little girls climbed onto their Gramma's lap like they did with Mommy.

Mac rushed into the room. She smiled warmly at the man in the bed. His eyes were open and he was talking to Frank. She cleared her throat. "Ahem, I hope I'm not interrupting anything."

Harm smiled back at her. "Not all, Marine." Frank nodded to Harm and left the couple alone. "Are you okay?" he asked.

"You never cease to amaze me, Harmon Rabb, Jr."


"You've been so out of it for about a week. In so much pain. You almost died! And here you are, asking about me!"

Harm shrugged. "It's the gentleman in me."

"You? Gentleman?" Mac laughed.

"Hey, don't be mean, I was wounded!"

Mac stepped up to the bed and took his hand in hers. "H-harm," she said, trying to hold back her tears. "I thought I was never going to talk to you again. I was so scared that I was going to lose you."

"Oh, Sarah. I'm sorry to have worried you like that." He brought her hand to his lips and kissed it. "Are the girls all right?"

"Still shaken up. They saved our lives, Harm. Evelyn called JAG and left the phone off the hook so they could trace the call. Rena made that loud noise that distracted Annie and David."

Harm stared at her, almost not believing it. But he had to; these girls were just like their mother. "Are they here? I want to see them."

"I don't know if the doctor will let them in here, but I can ask him."

"Thanks, Mac."

Two excitedly little girls ran into the room about 10 minutes later. "Daddy!" they cried.

Evelyn helped Serena onto the chair. She hugged his arm. "Daddy, are you okayed now?" she asked.

"Yes, Rena. You helped me to feel much better. Thank you."

Serena smiled. "I love you, Daddy!"

"I love you too." He patted the bed. "Come lay next to me."

Serena eagerly climbed next to her Daddy. She looked at Evelyn. "Evie, come up here too!"

"Yeah, Evie," Harm said.

"But I don't want to hurt you, Daddy."

"I'll be fine, sweetheart."

Evelyn was skeptical but she climbed onto the chair then the bed, snuggling on the other side of Harm. "Daddy, Mommy has another baby in her tummy."

"What?" Harm gasped out.

"Not the response I was looking for, Sailor," Mac said from the door.

Harm shook his head. "That's not what I meant, Marine."

She laughed. "I know." Mac walked over to the bed and sat on the chair. She smiled at the girls, who had apparently fallen asleep. "Finally! I've been having such a hard time getting them to bed. They've been scared of every noise, everything."

"We'll get through this, Mac. We have each other."

Mac got up and leaned over him, kissing him gently on the lips. "Why don't you get some rest too? I'm going to talk to the doctor."

"Good idea," Harm said with a yawn.

Mac turned to leave. "Sarah, wait!"


"I love you!"

"I love you too."
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